Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and what about the New Year?

Dear friends

I have been very busy with work, the holidays always bring a rush of new patients to the hospital. Most attribute this to the additional stress people feel during this, OH so Marvelous time of the year. I hope that each of you has had a chance to think about what we are trying to do with the committee on health issues. If you have not really had any time to do anything constructive, perhaps you should simply go to the library and check out Michael Moores movie SIKO. While your at it I recommend you also check out the movie, Maxed Out, Crossing Arizona, and the movie about Enron, called the Smartest Guys in the Room. Each covers a painful part of our American nightmare. It is easy to see that there is a broad theme that runs between these stories, and the impact that they have had on the mental, emotional, and physical health of our nation. It is so important that we continue to build on what was begun with the election of Obama.

I would like to wish all a happy and healthy season.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hitching Post: Time to saddle up New Mexico

Dear Friends, and Supporters of President Elect Barack Obama

Following the successful Las Cruces campaign, to elect a democratic president, senators, and representatives, many of us who were involved in that effort felt that the work did not end there.

A coalition of Obama volunteers, progressive democratic groups, and inspired voters has begun the process of transition from an election effort, to an Issues Advocacy movement. We hope to build on the historic grass roots movement that resulted in the November election victory.

I hope that this Blog spot can serve as a networking resource for our group that has begun the process of defining Issues with the local interests of the people of southern New Mexico.
Please post your ideas, insights, and rants (tastefully done please), I hope to build this site in a way that will allow us to post links to useful Web Sites, articles, ect.

As soon as I am able to get our current members list of e-mail addresses, I will send a link to this Blogspot.

Please feel free to comment on what you think we should do with this resource. I am new to this process, but I am convinced that we can make this a valuable tool in our cause.

Thank you,
